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ABCgrower is the ultimate in orchard management software

Flexible, adaptable and actionable software solutions

ABCgrower is the cloud-based software solution for digital record keeping on-farm, recording real-time harvest tracking, inventory management and non-harvest time and task capture.

Managing labour output, either by piecework or hourly, casual or permanent, by employees or contractors, ABCgrower streamlines the management of  labour and reduces the amount of admin and paperwork.

It’s an easy-to-use solution that’s delivered by ABCgrower Web – which is a mobile responsive website that resizes to any device or ABCgrower App – an offline app to collect information infield without the need for internet connection.

on farm grower management

Actionable insights and improved workflow

Digitally recorded data has actionable insights to improve workflow and increase efficiency. Detailed in-field recording of harvest and non-harvest activities has live productivity reporting and reconciliation. Manage inventory with full traceability and comprehensive reporting handles piece rates, inventory and block costs.

Direct in-app recording has flexible functionality and a practical, user friendly focus with permission-based access to an unlimited number of users.

ABCgrower Capabilities and Modules

It’s orchard management software made easy. Turn modules on or off as needed and keep it simple. ABCgrower is the ultimate solution for accurate, practical and accessible on-farm tracking.


  • Manage and record labour, piecework or hourly
  • Record real-time start and finish times, individual or bulk tasks
  • Electronically record time spent on piece rate tasks
  • Records activities of individuals or groups to farm, block variety or bay/row level
  • Generate and scan unique worker barcodes, work crew barcodes and NFC tags
  • Record harvest and non-harvest activities
  • Accurate time and task tracking
  • Collect by piece for productivity information and conversion to hourly payment
  • Pay by piece, by hour or mix and match rates
  • Supports hourly payment and productivity bonuses
  • Productivity bonus calculation tool for optional weighting and bonus rewards


  • Harvest time tracking by picker, container, unit, kilogram
  • Record by container, eg. bag, bucket, bin, lug, crate, tray
  • Individual and total tallies for picker checks and reconciliation
  • Generate unique container labels for tracking and traceability
  • Live productivity reporting on ABCgrower App and Web
  • Despatch from orchard to packhouse or coolstore
  • Track live productivity reporting, picker checks and reconciliation
  • Harvest cost reporting by unit, tree, vine, standard unit and kilogram
  • Harvest heat map with container search
  • Use with inventory management for unique container tracing

Inventory Track & Trace

  • Print container and bin labels on custom label templates to identify and track produce
  • Unique container labelling is supported and permanent container numbers
  • Trace containers to pickers and blocks
  • Multiple container types converted to standard units for accurate reporting
  • One or more pickers per container are supported
  • Inventory and containers remain visible throughout
  • Customise label templates
  • Inventory and containers remain visible throughout
  • Movements tracked through storage, room, row, column, tier, despatch - from orchard to cool store to packhouse
  • Optional email notifications on inventory movement
  • Create unique barcode labels for produce packed in field
  • Record and label pallets for produce packed in field
  • Supports individual or continuous scans
  • Generate pallet labels, track and despatch pallets and show provenance

Reports and Calculators

  • Detailed and comprehensive reporting options
  • One-click output to spreadsheets for in-depth analysis
  • Block cost, variety cost, productivity, inventory and labour reports
  • Calculate block costs by individual measures – tree, vine, hectare, harvested unit, harvested kilogram...
  • Output reports directly to payroll system
  • Productivity and traceability reporting
  • Report block cost of labour. Include chemical costs with ABCspray
  • Business Intelligence API to utilise data in analytics platforms including Microsoft Power BI


  • Immediate overview of worker earnings to analyse daily performance
  • Auto-calculation to top up minimum wage and paid breaks
  • Set competency level for piece workers competency
  • Reproducible, audit-ready records
  • Supports two-step authorisation of timesheets
  • Pay run reports and exports to payroll systems
  • Australian overtime obligations managed for hourly paid workers
  • Confidently forecast overtime hours with Australian Overtime Forecast Report
  • Auto-calculation to meet minimum wages in Australia and NZ

Non-Harvest Work

  • Non-harvest labour records by time and task for permanents and casuals
  • Pay by piece or by hour
  • Keep records of work offered and non-worked time
  • See labour costs by block or variety and maintain level of detail required
  • Record thinning, pruning and non-harvest piecework
  • Allocate workers to bay or row and maintain visibility of work in progress and post-task quality checking
  • Offline capability for on-orchard recording

Quality Module

  • Flexible user-defined templates to assess workers, harvested fruit, trees etc...
  • Track defects and record observations
  • Works offline for infield quality assessments without internet or data connection
  • Allows immediate remedial action to improve performance and quality
  • Assign rating to worker activity and use for incentive payments
  • Show defects on your farm map for effective and responsive quality management

Onsite Log

  • Kiosk timeclock
  • Electronic visitor book
  • Records who is onsite and their location
  • Maintains records of GPS location, photos, sign in and out times
  • Logins shown on farm map
  • Personalise health and safety questions
  • Visibility of contractor and visitor records
  • Self-sign in for packhouse workers
  • Use sign in/out times to set paid start and end times
  • Integrate with ABCgrower timesheets or use stand-alone


  • Map and colour code farm and varieties for easy reference
  • Harvest heat map
  • View map of your quality assessment defects
  • GPS location of onsite log ins


  • Create personal logins for each user
  • Control what users can see and do
  • Supports two-step authorisation of timesheets
  • Data security with Azure cloud

The comprehensive product range from ABC Software is easy to use and provides custom features and amazing benefits. Book an obligation-free customised demo to fully appreciate the possibilities

Case Studies

See what some of our ABCgrower clients have to say

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